Five Year Old Shelf Corporation For $1700.

Domesticate A Nevada Corporation In Wyoming?

Nevada filing fees are too high, and rising.

Nevada’s Annual List of Officers is $125 + $200 for the annual business license VS. Wyoming Annual Report $50

Nevada plans an income tax. Don’t believe it? See this article in Gaming Magazine.

Why is this happening in Nevada? In the past, the mining and casino taxes covered the needs of the residents of Nevada. The population explosion and economic growth has created a heavy strain on state budgets, now in the red, for social services, education, police, and infrastructure development.

Wyoming’s population has remained level, at only 500,000 residents, for the last ten years. And the State of Wyoming is in the black. Wyoming has no income tax. This is a plus if you’re really doing business out of Wyoming or if you want to move a company to Wyoming. Check with your tax advisor to see if you must file to do business in your own state.

State business license required in Nevada is now required with the annual list of officers.

NV State Business License requires list of stockholders, their SSN, and % of ownership disclosed as of June 1, 2005. Applies for all corporations and LLC’s, even if you DON’T do business in Nevada. Privacy is dead in Nevada. PROOF

Many incorporators in Nevada are not talking about this requirement. Failing to file this Nevada business license can lead to the following consequences and that’s why you should Move a Nevada Company to Wyoming:

  • The filing fee of $100 increases to $200
  • Corporate credit can be cancelled or difficult to obtain since the corporation is no longer in compliance with the State of Nevada.

  • The corporate veil is weakened.

In contrast, Move Your LLC or Corporation to Wyoming as it doesn’t require a business license and doesn’t collect stockholder data.

The Secretary of State of Nevada SELLS your information to information clearinghouses.

they sell it to the IRS through a company called ChoicePoint. Don’t believe us? Call them at 775/684-5708. For years, Nevada has been promoting that they don’t have an information sharing agreement with the IRS. So what? Ok. You don’t share the information, you sell it. I can see how that protects privacy.

Wyoming can’t share or sell information they don’t collect.

What Does It Cost? Is It Worth It To Move The Nevada Corporation To Wyoming?


Yearly Expenses:

Annual List of Officers: $125
Annual Business License: $200
Registered Agent Fee: Regularly $75
Nevada Virtual Office/Mail Forwarding: $900


Yearly Expenses:

Annual Report: $100
No Business License: $ 0
Our RA Fee: $ 75
Wyoming Virtual Office: $400

How Do I Domesticate My Nevada Corporation In Wyoming?

Complete The Domestication Articles And Make A Copy Of The Document

  • The document may be executed by the Chairman of the Board, President or another of its officers.
  • The following documents must accompany the application:

  • A certified copy of its original articles of incorporation and all amendments thereto currently certified within six (6) months.
  • A certificate of good standing not more than thirty (30) days old.
  • A written consent to appointment manually signed by the registered agent.

What to order from Nevada:

  • Copy of Articles of Incorporation: Costs $2 per page (usually about 10 pages) and $30 for the certification.
  • Expedite fee for the articles: $75 Nevada takes about 4 to 6 weeks to provide these documents without the expedite procedure.
  • Obtain our Wyoming registered agent service for $75. Call 307.237.2580